Forum discussion tagged with VBA.
  1. oscian44

    Build Advice Ideal Specs for high volume Excel, Data Processing, VBA, & Data Analysis ?

    Currently my work system is a frankenstein build I scrounged from existing workstations at my job and comes to a halt whenever I throw processing for our monthly data every month. Current spec is an i7 7700 and 24gb of random ddr4 i could steal from old workstations. Unfortunately the whole...
  2. J

    Should I get a 1080 or 1080ti

    So my parents are buying me a PC and they want it to last a long time(as long as it can.) Should I bother to get the 1080ti or save the $200? Additionally, what type of the cards should i get. What specific card and please explain why.
  3. M

    Best GPU for ultra wide 1080 gaming

    I'm looking for a GPU that can perform great on mainstream titles at 1080 ultra wide. I was looking at the Msi 1070 gaming x but it looks like it would be over kill. My current monitor is a 27" Asus ips 1080p but in the near future I plan to purchase a curved 34" 1080p. I will also have a 2nd...
  4. J

    Can I run TitanFall?

    I have a laptop, majority well above the requirements such as 8GB ram. However the only thing lacking is my graphics card, it has an Intel HD Graphics 4000, which I've heard sometimes won't even open the game. I have a PC also (can't remember specs atm), but it needs formatting and whatnot...