Voltage Spike

Forum discussion tagged with Voltage Spike.
  1. C

    Question Weird voltage spikes on SoC and Misc on Ryzen 9 7900

    Hello everyone, i recently got myself an Ryzen 9 7900. I did a bit of research and tweaked the bios settings to my needs. I can run my Ryzen with Curve Optimizer at an offset on all cores of -31 totally fine. To verify it also runs fine on a daily basis i keep HWInfo64 running in the background...
  2. Milan92

    ATI XFX Radeon HD 5770 Screen tearing

    Hi guys. I have problem with my old GPU,when i plug the card in motherboard and turn on pc everything is fine,untill i install the latest amd drivers. Screen starts tearing randomly in corners of open folder/chrome and even on the center of the screen. First time it happend was in game,but in...