
Forum discussion tagged with warehouse.
  1. F

    [SOLVED] quick question about msi b450 gaming plus used vs new b450 pro4-f

    hey guys im looking for a good/cheap motherboard for next build and i want to oc a litte bit my cpu and i know the b450 gaming is better for that but can someone tell me if i can trust in amazon warehouse to buy this used “new” b450 gaming plus, do you think its worth or just get the b450 pro4-f...
  2. bobjackieson

    [SOLVED] Amazon Warehouse Used RX 580?

    Heard horror stories about it but I'm assuming because they sell hundreds of gpus a week, that some of these deals are gonna be not perfect! View: https://m.imgur.com/a/Czjer3h I contacted support and he said that amazon UK offers a two year warranty on used gpus? I screenshotted out chat...
  3. M

    Is this real?

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKqdDiL8t80 time: 0:42 Can some of confirm this ? Also can someone provide an address to a warehouse like this in New York? Thank You.