
Forum discussion tagged with wats.
  1. E

    [SOLVED] What power supply should i choose?

    Hello! I want to build a PC with some of my old components, the pc will have an Asus Echelon gtx 950 2gb, FX 8350 4.0, 8 gb ram ddr3, a HDD and a SSD. So my question, how many wats should the PSU have, because i need to buy a new one, is 400w enough or does the components require more? Thank...
  2. S

    Laptops CPU and GPU run at 60 - 70 degrees

    Hi. I've been playing Battlefield 4 (at High/Ultra) and CPUID has been reading that my laptop has been running at about 60 to 70 degrees (sometimes reaches 75 degrees). Is this WAY too hot for a laptop, it was fairly expensive so I do not want to overheat or anything like that. Thanks :)