
Forum discussion tagged with Websites.
  1. InsanityCrescendo

    Question Laptop can't connect to many websites (ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT) ?

    I'm having a pretty weird problem. At some point and without having done anything different, my laptop just can't connect to certain websites (many websites, not just 3 or 4). When I try to access those sites I get the following errors: Firefox: Secure Connection Failed (no error code) Opera...
  2. TheFlash1300

    How to export my Chrome data?

    How long does Chrome save search history for? I would like to download data of links of all websites i have ever visited, full copy of my whole browsing history. How do i download the data i want?
  3. S

    Question Whats a good website where I can buy a table for my mining rig and also the websites lets me filter the tables by dimension?

    Hello, I want to put my mining rig on top of a non-metal table next to the window so the hot air can leave the room. The exact dimensions I am looking for are 20"Length x 13"Width x 31.5"Height Sites like amazon and home depot wont let you filter by exact sizes of the L x W x H What is a...
  4. P

    [SOLVED] Slow downloading speeds on some websites.

    Sorry if this is the wrong forum, not sure where to post. Quick question, I have around 970mb download speeds on Most of the time, things download in a blink of an eye. but with some websites, files download around as little as >100kb/s. Is there anything I can do to combat this...
  5. D

    [SOLVED] The Connection was Reset.

    Hello, Recently I've been facing issue on my Computer regarding websites. I can open these websites on my Mobile using same Wireless network but unable to open them on my Computer. What is the problem? I tried changing DNS, did watch some videos. I am unable to fix the issue. Please help
  6. B

    Should I turn off my graphics card on my laptop, what is the benefit?

    I just bought a laptop with this graphics card: Nvidia 920MX 2GB I looked at the benchmarks for video card, and the stock integrated that comes with my i5-8250u chip is an Intel HD620 and it's just as powerful as the Nvidia.... Should I disable the Nvidia to save battery? Is there a benefit...
  7. S

    Password and Account Security When Using Third Party Email and Calendar Apps

    Hi All, I've always wondered... if you use a 3rd party email program, like Mozilla Thunderbird, or the Mail app in iOS, and you type in to it your Gmail account and password, doesn't that basically give that company total access to your email account? Couldn't Apple or Mozilla then technically...
  8. DonkeyOatie

    [Build log] Consolidated Middle School builds.

    This thread is to consolidate all the Middle School build logs and benchmarks in one thread for future reference. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Core i5-4590 3.3GHz Quad-Core...
  9. J

    Is this a good power supply?

    Is this a good power supply:
  10. umar360

    the right ssd

    i really want a good ssd so i came towards intel ssd. i want to know which is better intel 520 intel 320 intel 335 . also which is better for price because cheaper the better. only available to me are intel ,hyperx , kingston, crucial mx100 ,
  11. adamzees

    New PC build need compatible motherboard

    so recently i have taken apart my pre-built computer and am left with the following parts and need to find a compatible motherboard to build a pc with (also a case and power supply recommendation would be greatly appreciated): Core i7 3770 2 x 4gb ram ddr3 (brand not specified) 1tb western...
  12. K

    Can HDMI 1.4a (AMD 7950) do 1080p @ 240Hz?

    Hi, I have a Radeon HD 7950 and i'm wondering if I can game at 1080/240 through the card's HDMI (1.4a) port?
  13. T

    Changing Storage to a new Computer

    I am building a gaming pc and i was wondering about storage, I currently play on a gaming laptop and have alot of stuff on my hardrive that would save me alot of time and money if i could just put this hardrive in, but i am going to install windows on an ssd and have another hardrive in the pc...