I replaced a faulty Gigabyte mobo with an Asus one but now I am unable to activate Windows. I have a license I have always used since the dawn of Win 10. From there, I had 3 mobos before the current time (Gigabyte > Asus > Gigabyte) and always used the same key whenever it was necessary to...
Hi. My Windows key is Retail, according to the results I get from typing "slmgr.vbs /dlv " in CMD. However, someone told me I can't transfer the key, even if it's Retail, if Windows was pre-installed. In fact, Windows 10 was pre-installed and ready to use when I bought the laptop. According to...
I'm going to migrate from Intel hardware to AMD. Im planning on keeping my current windows setup (so not replacing current HDD to a new one) as I don't want to reinstall games, software etc. Can anyone guide me from experience if I can avoid a fresh installation of windows. I have a...