Windows 10 Activation

Forum discussion tagged with Windows 10 Activation.
  1. K

    Question Can't activate Windows 10 after a hardware change

    Hi, I replaced a faulty Gigabyte mobo with an Asus one but now I am unable to activate Windows. I have a license I have always used since the dawn of Win 10. From there, I had 3 mobos before the current time (Gigabyte > Asus > Gigabyte) and always used the same key whenever it was necessary to...
  2. TheFlash1300

    Question How do i see my Windows activation key? How to know if my key can be moved to another computer?

    Hi. My Windows key is Retail, according to the results I get from typing "slmgr.vbs /dlv " in CMD. However, someone told me I can't transfer the key, even if it's Retail, if Windows was pre-installed. In fact, Windows 10 was pre-installed and ready to use when I bought the laptop. According to...
  3. Babarali85

    [SOLVED] Retaining Windows 10 OS while migrating from Intel to Ryzen

    Hi! I'm going to migrate from Intel hardware to AMD. Im planning on keeping my current windows setup (so not replacing current HDD to a new one) as I don't want to reinstall games, software etc. Can anyone guide me from experience if I can avoid a fresh installation of windows. I have a...