windows 11 23h2

Forum discussion tagged with windows 11 23h2.
  1. qqrakka

    Question RuntimeBroker process thinks I'm not shutting down/restarting properly?

    Hello everyone! I've recently noticed via event viewer that since last month, every shutdown and restart I initiate is met with a series of processes running when the computer boots into Windows, one being quite strange. Reading: And the same but for shut downs reading: Is this a possible...
  2. R

    Question Kernel-Power 41 Critical Error - without any crashes or BSODs - Are you getting these too?

    Hi. Its my first post here. Yesterday I checked my Event Viewer out of curiosity and I noticed that something very strange is happening. Almost every time I turn OFF and then ON (ofc using windows start menu) - my PC and Laptop, Kernel-Power Error is logged. Is it normal when it comes to...