windows 11 activation

Forum discussion tagged with windows 11 activation.
  1. Stef Zia

    Windows 11 activation on new laptop?

    I got an open box laptop(Lenovo v17 g3 iap) from a dude on a local used electronics website. He stated that it is brand new and only getting windows in Greek(from German). I am guessing that it might have been an exhibition one because he gave me only the laptop and its charger. The thing is...
  2. V

    Question How to setup windows 11 without a microsoft account or Shift+F10

    I bought a cheap laptop from Walmart, but I don't like the idea being forced to sign in to a Microsoft account to set up my PC. However Shift + F10 does nothing, shift+F10+fn does nothing, and ctr+alt+del does nothing. Alt+Tab merely shows me "Microsoft account" and little else. I'd almost...
  3. TechyInAZ

    Discussion Ryzen 3000 (Zen 2) TPM Causing BSOD In Windows 11

    Hey community, I wanted to get your feedback on a problem I've been dealing with on my Ryzen 5 3600 machine to see if anyone else can replicate the issue. To start, my PC was having issues involving blue screens and BSOD's that had been going on for several months to a year at this point. The...
  4. T

    Question Check license of windows 11

    Hi I've bought a laptop with pre-installed windows 11 which is activated, how can i find out wether the windows is activated by Legal Key or a crack software?

    Question Hi,I have a problem with Elden Ring and Windows 11

    Hi,I have got a Tesla M40 and an HD 5450 as video output. The problem is that some application can run on HD,like the game 'The Binding of Isaac'. And when Tesla was not recognized as a Display Adapter,it worked fine. I installed Elden Ring but it crashes on white screen and I can't do anything...
  6. PsychoPsyops

    [SOLVED] Window 11 upgrade prep?

    I built a new PC recently. I currently have Win10 Home edition installed on it, not activated. I have a cd key for Win11. The Win10 updates are taking forever. Do I have to fully update Win10 before installing Win11?
  7. J

    Question Activation after WDS

    Long time lurker with many of my issues fixed. I work for a Business that is a Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher. The powers that be recently changed the rules on us and every computer that is sold needs a refurbished license. Our Old work flow is capture an image upload it to WDS then use that...