Messing around with a frankenstein's PC right now. I'm using a 256gb HDD with windows 7 that came from an HP system that was using an AMD sempron. I got the HDD to boot on newer hardware (intel 4460s) but it is missing a crap ton of drivers, including whatever driver it needs to connect to the...
My computer will run fine for a while but then will randomly crash and display a windows 10 blue screen with the caption "nmi hardware failure". It reboots and when it enters the bios screen it says "uncorrectable memory error previously detected in dimm 1 or 2". I suspect that this means that I...
my pc specs
i7 4790k
corsair h100i
nzxt h440 white
asus maximus vii hero
segate sshd 2 tb
corsair k65 rgb mouse
corsair m65 rgb keyboard
corsair rm 650 power supply
ddr3 16 gb [2x8] 1866 mhz
windows 8.1 pro x 64 bit
in my country all gtx 980 cost me almost same
asus strix
msi 4g
Can anyone help me out with connecting my 780?
The 780 is 8 pins. I only have 7 pins from my PSU, which doesnt supply enough power to run the card. Inthe box were two cables though with 8 pins to connect. I tried using 4 pins from the PCI marked connection and the other using the cables out of...