windows 7 to 10

Forum discussion tagged with windows 7 to 10.
  1. LDTheCourier

    Question Upgrading from windows 7 to windows 10

    Hi there. months ago my SSD died which had my windows 7 OS on there. I am deciding to upgrade to Windows 10. I have bought a new SSD for the Win 10 OS. I’m not sure how I can install Windows 10 without a current OS. thank you.
  2. HFC

    Question Won't boot after installing Windows 10

    I'm upgrading from Windows 10 from Windows 7 and now the computer won't boot. tl;dr: After second upgrade attempt, computer won't boot, giving first MEMORY MANAGEMENT (mfewfpk.sys) and then CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED. Seems physically fine. Can I get it into any Windows without wiping everything...
  3. M

    After Windows 10 Reset, message saying could not reset, no changes made. Loading screen is stuck on the white dots

    Hey guys, I need help, ASAP! So i am selling my PC tonight, and needed to reset my SSD and HDD. I Hadn't done it before so i looked it up... the guy said go to settings/update and security/recovery and then reset this PC. i clicked get started. i wanted to remove everything but keep a clean...