windows troubleshooter

Forum discussion tagged with windows troubleshooter.
  1. H

    Question Printer issue with Windows 11

    Right then, switched over from Win10 to Win 11. Have encountered the odd growing pain, most of which I've resolved, short of this one with my printer. I have a Ricoh SP220SNW for a few year now. Been an absolute work horse. Never failed me with Win10. Win11 is another matter. I create a...
  2. TheSpetnazAreAfterME

    [SOLVED] Wifi no internet access

    Hello fellow techs, I must start from the beginning for you to understand and my specs are at the bottom after you read my issue. I recently I moved to a new place to rent and there are no network jacks, so I had to get a wifi adapter for my Desktop. When I first installed the adapter, it...