windows10 boot

Forum discussion tagged with windows10 boot.
  1. VladislavS1

    Question Boot Error windows 10

    Hello! When I enter the flash drive with windows 10 21H2 through bios I get this error: My PC(2013): MotherBord: Biostar A58MD CPU: AMD Athlon x4 760k GPU: GT 630 (DDR3) RAM: 4GB (DDR3) Chipset: A55
  2. L

    Question Does not boot until get in and out of BIOS

    Hello guys, I need your help on something. My computer started to not boot itself to Windows until I get in and get out of the BIOS. After I power up the computer, MB goes to POST process, it can not process to boot and cuts the power via MB, not PSU. Then re-powers the whole system, and...