wol over internet

Forum discussion tagged with wol over internet.
  1. L

    [SOLVED] Wake On Lan over Internet (WAN) stops working despite ARP binding

    Hi! I've been trying to configure Wol over the Internet for a good month now and occasionally it works. I've done every single step required and have MANAGED to turn on my computer from the other end of the country. But with enough time passing it seems to stop working (like overnight). I...
  2. Z

    Question Wake on lan over internet. Issues.

    Illustration link Basically i want to start my pc over internet as illustrated in SCENE 3. For that, I successfully tried SCENE 1. But SCENE 2 is not working. In scene 2 and 3, in my understanding, the issue is due to different IP address. So that the call is not able to reach the level 2...