
Forum discussion tagged with #x470.
  1. prashantem7

    Question Having continues BSOD's two or three times a day since i built my new pc.

    My Built: Ryzen 3700X RTX 2070 Super Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB*2 (32GB) Gigabyte X470 Aorus Gaming Wifi 1000W Corsair RM1000X PSU I am having continuous BSODs of different kinds everytime and this is very frustrating after spending so much money into the build. I have all my drivers...
  2. prashantem7

    Question My Corsair Vengeance LPX 32GB (16*2) 3000Mhz not working with 3700x

    Hey Fam, I am new into pc building and a couple weeks ago built a new pc after waiting for so long for the ryzen 3rd gen cpus. I am using Ryzen 7 3700X Gigabyte Aorus X470 Gaming 5 wifi Corsair Vengeance LPX 32GB (16*2) 3000Mhz RTX 2070 Super After all the latest bios updates i enabled XMP so...
  3. S


    Hi guys, I wanted to let you know if you have random freezes in games after bios updated, just downgraded it with a usb flash(worked for me). Games and rarely windows would freeze, but games 100% of the time. MSI X470 GAMING PRO/2700X/2060/1tb m.2 wd blue