
Forum discussion tagged with Z570.
  1. hanser30

    Question Asus TUF vs Prime vs WS

    Hello guys, I have a particular question about Asus. My last build was back in 2014 and it was an Asus TUF 990fx R2.0 with an AMD fx 8350. The system is still going and it has been super reliable over the years. I am now looking to to buy a new board for a new build with a Ryzen 9 3900x which...
  2. R

    I right clicked n the video of the late Show, but there was no "Settings" and no "hardware Acceleration"!

    "Describe my thread"? What's that? I just said there are no "settings" or Hardware Acceleration". I usually stop "Video Freezing" by deleting all the Cookies, Passwords, Add-On Data, etc. from Control Panel (Home Page) and then in the Google Chrome Menu under advanced Settings. In Google...
  3. C

    PSU for sli GTX 295

    Was wanting to know if this power supply would be enough? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371050&nm_mc=OTC-pr1c3grabb3r&cm_mmc=OTC-pr1c3grabb3r-_-Electronics-_-Antec-_-N82E16817371050&scpid=7&scid=scsho5459487