Hi everyone, hopefully you can help out a complete noob! I'm using the template found in the 'How To Ask For New Build Advice Thread' so if I need to provide any more information let me know
Approximate Purchase Date: Within the next month.
Budget Range: £500-£600 inc OS. Lower the better!
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, Web Browsing, Film/TV Show/YouTube watching.
Parts Not Required: Keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers.
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Anywhere within the UK!
Country: United Kingdom
Parts Preferences: No preferences, I have no idea what's good or bad.
Overclocking: Don't mind, not essential.
SLI or Crossfire:
Whatever suits my needs more, again I'm not terribly versed in this sort of thing.
Monitor Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Additional Comments: A case with green LEDs would be cool but not essential if it's out of my budget. Windows 8 64 bit if possible. I want it to be able to run any current games (is that doable at this budget?). Settings don't have to be ultra or even high, as long as the games will look decent and run at an acceptable FPS I'm happy. I need everything - case, power supply, processor, graphics card, motherboard etc. I have a mouse, keyboard and monitor.
That's all I can think of for now. Again, if more info is required let me know. Thanks for any help, really appreciate it
Approximate Purchase Date: Within the next month.
Budget Range: £500-£600 inc OS. Lower the better!
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, Web Browsing, Film/TV Show/YouTube watching.
Parts Not Required: Keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers.
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Anywhere within the UK!
Country: United Kingdom
Parts Preferences: No preferences, I have no idea what's good or bad.
Overclocking: Don't mind, not essential.
SLI or Crossfire:
Whatever suits my needs more, again I'm not terribly versed in this sort of thing.
Monitor Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Additional Comments: A case with green LEDs would be cool but not essential if it's out of my budget. Windows 8 64 bit if possible. I want it to be able to run any current games (is that doable at this budget?). Settings don't have to be ultra or even high, as long as the games will look decent and run at an acceptable FPS I'm happy. I need everything - case, power supply, processor, graphics card, motherboard etc. I have a mouse, keyboard and monitor.
That's all I can think of for now. Again, if more info is required let me know. Thanks for any help, really appreciate it