ac, if you want me to go into depth about the shortcomings of your build i'm happy to.
The motherboard is unsuitable, as the CPU has a locked core, and therefore the OC feature will not be used.
The cooler is way overkill, I wouldn't even spend that much on cooling a 6600k.
The graphics card is severely underpowered for an 800 pound build.
There is only 8GB of RAM, and a small SSD which should optimally be 240GB.
The case has poor build quality and cooling, and is only there due to personal bias.
The PSU is overpriced for OP's need and the budget range, the system you listed will only draw around 200w.
The external storage capacities are silly, and OP never asked for it anyway, so I don't know why you've included them.
It's not a solid build, you need to wake up to the reality of the situation if you want to improve on your builds, otherwise I can't help you.