‘Email Privacy Act’ Passes The House Unanimously For The Second Time

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Excellent. I'm sure trump is glad that his private email server will need a warrant to be accessed for what are sure to be many trials.
Stop, just stop with the Political agenda fluf Tom's.

We do not come here to see your Trump bashing, we came here for tech news. Sneaking in lines to promote hate and discontent to push your Political agenda is not news.

"Trump has been critical of certain privacy protections" has nothing to do with email privacy. Let me break it down, since someone obviously read one line and said there it is, Trump is evil. That link was talking about Illegal aliens. The first word should have been a clue, break the law and its called an illegal act. That bill if read just one section, such as 14, would lead you to believe that Trump is against all privacy. No, sorry, it clearly states in the entire bill, that those sections are talking about Illegal Immigrants. And if you have already committed a crime by breaking the law, don't think you should expect any Privacy.

This is not talking about Joe from Timbuktu who shall receive the wrath of the US government. No, this is a person who is here illegally has committed a crime, and now is not protected with any Privileges that a US citizen is granted.

Trump has been President for 18 days, he has no record of what kind of president he is. The yard stick measurement of 100 days is for a reason, then people can make informed decisions on how well he will be doing. His picks of cabinet members have been stalled at every turn, the AG Sessions hasn't even been on the job, yet you feel the need to take aim there too. Don't make baseless claims of blocking the bill, when he has a mere 18 days on the clock, that's conjecture and this article should be tagged as an opinion piece and not actual news

Lets get back to what you should be doing, talking about Tech news, objectively, knowledgeable and without Political garbage.

Politics is fun. If everyone agreed then it would be boring. I come to Toms for the comment section and without arguments its not as fun to read 😛
Guys, you do realize that the whole point in having you argue about politics is that those who run them both get to keep you blind from the fact that you are being taxed for working while those who dont work can get that money?

Politicians are just there to explain to you why thats ok.

And your employer gets taxed for paying you, and for the land they own (if they own it) and their physical inventory, investors get taxed on the money their investment makes, etc. etc. and so on and so forth. Public works have to get paid for somehow, and since a government doesn't (typically) generate capital, that means taxes of some kind. Without exploiting loopholes or having the resources to influence tax law in your favor, everyone gets the screws put to them. Someone presumably smarter than I once said that all taxes by nature are unfair. Politicians mostly try to make as many people unhappy to the least degree possible while also managing to stay in office. Not saying that I have a great deal of sympathy for them, but I recognize that it's a difficult, thankless job that often gets less respect than it deserves.
If Majorlag dislikes what Tom's has to say, there's a very easy solution--it's similar to the one for TV you dislike. Don't read it.
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