‘Rainbow Six Siege’ Beta Set For Nov 25-29; Four Expansions Planned For 2016

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So, you get the full game a year after initial release for the original price plus 3x DLC price? That's how they seem to go these days... /sigh
lol expansion, good one havent laughed like that in years

"Four large batches of content will include eight new characters, four maps, new weapons, additional game modes, and more cosmetic items."
lol expansion, good one havent laughed like that in years

"Four large batches of content will include eight new characters, four maps, new weapons, additional game modes, and more cosmetic items."

Exactly. That's not "expansion" at all. That's just real money fluff. Depressing, really. Such a shame to see my fave franchise jump on this fail train, but money is what keeps the developers working.
Yay another completely useless game if you don't have ready-made teams already set to go. I imagine PUGs will just get destroyed. I'm also not too excited for The Division for the same reason though I desperately hope I'm wrong in both cases.
So, you get the full game a year after initial release for the original price plus 3x DLC price? That's how they seem to go these days... /sigh
Nope, you still have to spend on microtransactions to unlock the characters included in the DLC you're buying.
This is a full price f2p game from Ubisuck. It also comes with micro-transactions and (the world sh!ttest) season pass.

For $30USD, R6S season pass get you...
-Seven-day exclusive early access to the eight new operators, which you can instantly add to your roster upon their release
-Permanent 5% Renown boost that will allow you to unlock content quicker
-The exclusive Season Pass Porter weapon skin
-The Safari Bundle of five weapons skins
-Two extra daily Renown-earning challenges (giving you a total of five)
-600 R6 Credits that can be used to purchase additional in-game content, like weapon skins
I remember the halo 2 days. You could pay for the map packs (good price) or wait until they were free.

The best part, they didn't include the new maps in ranked sessions until they made them free. Those were the days.

Gamers these days let themselves get pushed around. People don't know how to stand up for themselves. Stop buying these games at full price at release day.
You guys realize all the DLC in that chart above is free right? The maps are free, the operators are free, etc.

You basically spend money for an experience boost and weapon skins. The most questionable thing is the 7 day early access on operators that the season pass gives you. That's it. After 7 days, we're back on the even playing field.

It's not free if you're having to pay for it. Free is free and this isn't it. This is extra money for what could be and should be FREE content.

Ok so say it's $60 for the game. What am I paying for next? The season pass? I'll skip the pass, but I still get the maps and operators. Ok I'm still at $60.

Unless you mean something else that I'm missing? What is the part that you have to pay for that is forcing one to spend money for the full gameplay experience?

I'm not trolling or anything, but that's the information I've seen about R6Siege and it seems like everyone else is on another page.
Unless I've misinterpreted something, from the looks of it the additional operators, maps, and the like would only be unlocked with the season pass and Ubi's Renown system. If that's not so, I'll be happy to admit as such. So, as I see it, you spend $60 for the base game... and that's all you get unless you pony up for the pass.

Ah I see. I re-read the article and it doesn't really clearly state any of that. So I saw their recent official Season Pass trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCdJBkiT7aY) and in the first half it mentions the maps and operators being free: that no "paywall" will divide the community. The second half is advertising the "cool stuff" you get in the season pass, which amounts to 5% extra exp, some skins (not weapons), and 7 days early access on operators.

Here's also a link to their official blog post stating that all the Year One stuff is free: http://rainbow6.ubi.com/siege/en-us/news/detail.aspx?c=tcm:152-227423-16&ct=tcm:148-76770-32

According to that blogpost, there are only 3 things that you buy with real money (R6 Credits): Unlock Operators early, unlock weapon skins, and buy XP boosters. Of those 3, only XP boosters and the more unique looking skins are money only. Unlocking Operators and the other weapon skins can be done through playing the game. And remember, the skins are purely cosmetic.
I'm still not for having microtransactions of any kind. I'm also not for XP boosters. I guess I'm a purist of sorts and find that the best R6 games were those where everything you needed for an outstanding game was already included in the base game. Raven Shield was the pinnacle of that, in my opinion. Even the Vegas games were solid and gave you all the customization and pretty stuff you needed. Weapon camos are just silly to me, but naturally opinions will vary.

As we all know, talks and actions of paywalls causing problems with a game can be very different. Payday 2 is a perfect example. I would just rather they keep R6 as pure as it was so many terrorist hunts ago: full mission planning, solid single player, great backstory, and all the tools for destruction one would need without being outlandish or stupid. Clearly that time has passed and this is not that game.

Fair enough, I just wanted people to know the facts on the game.

People are free to disagree with whatever approach a game is taking, I just don't want people to be misinformed and blast a game for something that it's not.

If it were up to me, I too would prefer there were no microtransaction shenanigans, but I am at least satisfied with them keeping it's effect rather minimal. Payday 2 was certainly an interesting case, but at least those were decisions that happened two years after the game's release.
I get you. As I said, I'm not above admitting I was wrong on something and thus stand corrected. That aside, I still feel like they could have done just the same without the need to involve microtransactions; developers are, anymore, seemingly excessively greedy.
the people in the comment section are misinformed and disgusting, what a surprise on the internet. praise call of duty and its dlc but cry when the game is letting people get free maps in the coming months. not to mention the game will have 11 maps to start with for a variety of modes. im glad you wont be playing, im praying people dont listen to you, and this is just a sign that people should just stay away from the internet, where the hell are your parents.
Who is praising CoD? No one. People are free to have their own opinion and I fully expect them to exercise it. Just because some people aren't tripping all over themselves to run out and buy this doeant mean that their feelings are any less valid. Get a grip.

This game could have been better than it is in this iteration and that was the point of the discussion.
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