0x00000124 BSOD New Laptop


May 18, 2015
Hello, I bought my new laptop (Acer Aspire V NITRO 17) a month ago, it's still doing perfect, but I encountered a problem. I had a bluescreen today.

Laptop specifications are;
I7 4720HQ 2,6GHz Quad-Core,
Windows 8.1 Pro (not activated)

I got a bluescreen that said WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR and NirSoft's BlueScreenViewer gave me a little bit more information, which can be seen here; http://i.imgur.com/t73hHbt.png

I have been running HWMonitor since day one I bought it, temperatures while gaming won't go above 80°C on CPU and won't go more than 75°C on GPU.

I read that i7-4720HQ has maximum temperature of 100°C, and GTX 960 has maximum temperature of 100°C too, but it starts to throttle down after 90°C, but it never reached that much.

I have ran FurMark to stress CPU and GPU, but the temperatures were about the same, around 80°C on GPU though.

The computer still performs after the crash as it never happened, it can run anything on high-very high.

One interesting thing that I had that Windows Activation sticker on the bottom right telling me to activate windows, but after the bluescreen, it's gone. It still shows up as not activated windows in control panel though. Everything is running cool in terms of temperatures, I don't know. What's the problem?

I have no overclock by the way.
The WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR bug check has a value of 0x00000124. This bug check indicates that a fatal hardware error has occurred. This bug check uses the error data that is provided by the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA).

Contact Acer.
The WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR bug check has a value of 0x00000124. This bug check indicates that a fatal hardware error has occurred. This bug check uses the error data that is provided by the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA).

Contact Acer.
overall, I would update the BIOS or reset it to defaults before to make sure you have not turned off some of the thermal monitior functions.
looks like the CPU could call a shutdown at thermal max minus 10 degrees C by default.
it should throttle before that but if you have the options turned off, the CPU could just call a bughcek 0x124 to shutdown the system.

i would expect the CPU to start to throttle well before it hits it thermal max of 100 degrees C
(temperature of boiling water). I would not expect the max temp to be the normal operating temp of the CPU.
thermal design for the temp is related to various factors. (case temp, ambient temp and how much power the CPU is using)
The max temp assumes very good conditions, Max fan speed,...

For a laptop, the first thing I would be checking would be blocked fans or fans that are not spinning.
Then power problems.
There are some pirate hacked versions of windows that call a bogus bugcheck 0x124
to avoid detection. Most tech people assume the bugcheck has not been modified.
in this case if you run cmd.exe as an admin then run
sfc.exe /scannow
dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

you have a good chance of removing the hacks. But some of the hack programs put the hack back in using the task scheduler. Last one I looked at reinstalled the hack every day at midnight.

put the memory dump file on a server and post a link.
This is a very common overclocking error, it can be caused by overclocking drivers, overclocking in BIOS and overheating of the CPU. It can also be caused from power fluctuations, even a bad power strip could cause the problem.
or a graphics card using too much power can cause the problem.

your memory dump file is located in the c:\windows\minidump directory. I can take a quick look for overclocking drivers and check the internal error coded and system uptime. This might give a clue as to the root cause of the problem.

I have started the sfc.exe scan and yes, for the CPU, 100°C the maximum operating temperature, not normal, meaning it will be fried at that temperature.

I have also ran seperate temperature monitoring softwares to be accurate. I will post everything required once it's all done.

Link to dump file; http://www.files.fm/down.php?i=eaidutq&n=100515-47390-01+-+Copy.dmp
If it doesn't work; http://www.files.fm/u/gsgaara#

Since you mentioned the graphics card, I was playing GTA V and it started to lag, then the lag stopped. After which I got bored from GTA V and closed it. After a hour, the crash happened. Graphics card usage is often at 99%, playing at 72°C on GPU and 80°C on CPU.

EDIT: The scan is done;

Verification was 100% complete and it said Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
I launched the dism.exe scan now, will post the results.

EDIT: dism.exe scan is now completed;

C:\Windows\system32>dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.3.9600.16384

Image Version: 6.3.9600.16384

The restore operation completed successfully. The component store corruption was
The operation completed successfully.

Also the computer is fresh out of the box, I have not made any technical improvements, e.g. overclocking. It's all stock.

only thing i see that would be a direct cause for the bugcheck would be the CPU voltage. I think it is set to the very lowest value you can have.
(or the BIOS reported the wrong info, it happens)
CPU called a bugcheck to shutdown the system when its internal memory controller detected a error in the CPU cache,
processor 0 bank 5
I would reset the BIOS to defaults, and check the CPU voltage, the reported .8v might be too low. Low voltage to the CPU could result in cache memory errors inside the CPU.
also remove this version of this driver because of bugs:
Qcamainx64.sys Thu Aug 21 15:47:38 2014

looks like your system has some problems doing sleep/wake cycles. (do a full shutdown/reboot cycle)
you might look for a update to Realtek Semiconductor Corp USB Mass Storage Driver
RtsUVStor.sys if you can find one.
maybe look here http://www.realtek.com/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=15&PFid=25&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false
(i think it is a usb card reader if I remember correctly)

machine info:

BIOS Version V1.11
BIOS Starting Address Segment e000
BIOS Release Date 01/09/2015

Manufacturer Acer
Product Aspire VN7-791G
Version V1.11
SKUNumber Aspire VN7-791G_091D_1.11
Family Sharkbay System
Processor Version Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4720HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz
Processor Voltage 88h - 0.8V
External Clock 100MHz
Max Speed 2600MHz
Current Speed 2600MHz

mixed memory modules:
Samsung M471B5173DB0-YK0 4 gb bank 0
Kingston ACR16D3LFS1KBG/2G 2 gb bank 2

Thanks for being so detailed! Computer just had a bad day back then and crashed, no more crashes whatsoever and I hope very much there won't be. Computer is under a warranty so I don't want to edit things that may have consequences. If I'll have more problems (I hope none and never), I'll let you know as I have never received such a detailed answer, would have picked you as the best answer if I wouldn't pick another guy, have a great day!