Question 0x00000139 BSOD


Apr 10, 2012
First BSOD in many many weeks. The other was more likely fixed by addressing the ESET Driver many many weeks ago.
I just encounter a 0x00000139 bluescreen caused by NFTS.sys driver. I was alt tabbing into desktop to quickly open Chrome ...and it instantly crashed. Only one time.

thats a corruption
I just encounter a 0x00000139 bluescreen caused by NFTS.sys driver.
it wasnt caused by NTFS.sys driver, if you would run windbg, you would see something like this:
Bug check description: The kernel has detected the corruption of a critical data structure.
The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver that cannot be identified at this time.

anyway you might want to reinstall all your drivers...either some driver is corrupted (in registry/damaged file) or youre running some old driver(s)

run in cmd with admin rights:
sfc /scannow
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
chkdsk /f

and memtest might also be needed, corruption doesnt happen on its own
a service started a call, the service was
CtfMon.exe this Collaborative Translation Framework
it is used for alternative language input devices.
What Is Ctfmon.Exe and Why Is It Running? (
this service made call, it went thru some filters, got decrypted then called "Luafv.sys" is a file I/O stack "minifilter" driver. "LUA-" indicates "Least-Authorized User"
Which also called a filter driver that called the kernel.
but by the but at this time the kernel did some error checking and found a stack overflow and called the bugcheck.

I would be looking for a bug in Luafv.sys
OriginalFilename: luafv.sys
ProductVersion: 10.0.19041.2251
FileVersion: 10.0.19041.2251 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
FileDescription: LUA File Virtualization Filter Driver

Note: the debugger did not report any corrupted windows drivers.

maybe google for luafv!LuafvGenerateFileName
or luafv.sys bugcheck
and see if other people have this same problem.
run windows update would be the only fix.
(all of the involved components are from microsoft. the service, the filter driver, the decryption driver, and access control driver)

the internal error was:
0xc0000409 - The system detected an overrun of a stack-based buffer in this application.

i do see a lot of the eset .dll s installed but do not see them in the actual backtrace.
unless they get called by the filter manager.
all of the eset dlls look current except for one: em000k_64.dll Wed Jul 1 02:54:43 2020.
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