1/2 mile nlos ptp link.


Sep 25, 2012
This is Florida. There are no hills, but there are trees and a few buildings in the way. It's just over 2000 feet, so not too far, but no line of sight.

What equipment will I need for a 30-50 Mbps connection?

There will probably a pole on one or both ends.
I would try something like the airgrid system from ubiquiti. These are point to point line of site antenna. You only hope is you can get enough signal though because you are at a relatively short distance for devices like this.

If this doesn't work I suspect you are out of luck. To not have line of site you would have to use a lower frequency radio. The difficulty is there is no equipment you can run without a license that will come anywhere near your speed requirements. Even with licensed equipment I am not sure you are going to get 30m even if you can afford it.


Is radiolabs.com reliable? They look like they sell a pair of 900mhz dishes
Have not used their equipment so can't say. 900mhz is also line of site equipment it just is said to not be blocked by tree leaves as much. a big metal building will block both very well.

I have not done the calculations for a long time but in general the lower the frequency to higher the antenna much be on point to point links to make up for the loss due to the ground. I forget if your distance is long enough that there is a significant difference between 2.4 and 900.

I would guess 900mhz is going to work better than 2.4 or 5 for you situation but there is a lot more junk in that frequency and you will have t use the complete band to get the speed you want.

I doubt that they're metal because metal usually oxidizes in humid weather. It's probably the usual pine, fiberglass, and attic junk.

We get a LOT of rain, so I don't think 2.4ghz will work as well because it's absorbed by water.

Here's an image: http://www.image-maps.com/uploaded_files/9201309051604134_Capture.JPG

Houses are circled in red, and the orange line is the potential link. (that white area is sand, not a house) LOS is not possible. One property has tall trees on both north and south fence lines.