J jay32267 Champion Mar 16, 2017 10,704 1,323 56,940 Dec 18, 2018 #2 What is the model of the amp? Upvote 0 Downvote
A americanaudiophile Titan Aug 27, 2008 13,663 0 101,360 Dec 18, 2018 #3 Depends on what the minimum impedance the amp will handle in stereo and bridged to mono (if it can be bridged). You can figure it out yourself. http://physics.bu.edu/py106/notes/Circuits.html Upvote 0 Downvote
Depends on what the minimum impedance the amp will handle in stereo and bridged to mono (if it can be bridged). You can figure it out yourself. http://physics.bu.edu/py106/notes/Circuits.html