Hello! I've never built a computer before and this place looks like it's got lots of people who know what they are doing.
My budget seems to be pretty high compared to others.. just looking for a great machine that can run games on the highest settings with no trouble. GeForce 9400m isn't doing me any good at all... (Playing Starcraft 2 on low settings with lag is killing me!) Looking for a machine that will not be outdated in a few months and one that's easily upgradeable (I'm sure most homebuilt ones ARE easily upgradeable but you catch my drift)... And I'll probably be buying this sometime early next year so I might come back and seek more advice then due to product upgrades and such...
Approx. Purchase Date: Early 2012. (So quite a bit could change!)
Budget Range: $1,600 - $2,000 +tax etc..
Usage: HEAVY video game use, no video/photo editing, just video games and general use.
Parts Not Required: Pretty much everything is required! Building it from the ground up.
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: newegg.com, trusted legitimate sellers
Country of Origin: United States, Texas
Parts Preferences: Intel CPU(s) Preferably quad core+ (Core i7+ unlocked); (Preferably 2 GeForce GTX 580 graphics cards) SSD if it fits into the budget, regular if it's not. 500GB+ hard drive.. or I could figure that out depending on what the case could handle. Good case that can support multiple hard drives and graphics cards it the budget is willing. 8 GB+ of RAM. Good HD screen with HD speakers 20+ inches.
Overclocking: Have no experience with this! If I can do it without screwing up then yes! (Unlocked processor)
SLI or Crossfire: Yes, if it helps! Preferably.
Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080 HD
Additional Comments: Budget is a tad flexible. Adding new info here and there! No multiple monitor or 3D crap, also!
Is this asking too much? It's just that I've never done this before so I want to be concrete solid with my decision! So I'm not sure if my post is missing anything or not.. If you need any other information, I'll be glad to supply it!
My budget seems to be pretty high compared to others.. just looking for a great machine that can run games on the highest settings with no trouble. GeForce 9400m isn't doing me any good at all... (Playing Starcraft 2 on low settings with lag is killing me!) Looking for a machine that will not be outdated in a few months and one that's easily upgradeable (I'm sure most homebuilt ones ARE easily upgradeable but you catch my drift)... And I'll probably be buying this sometime early next year so I might come back and seek more advice then due to product upgrades and such...
Approx. Purchase Date: Early 2012. (So quite a bit could change!)
Budget Range: $1,600 - $2,000 +tax etc..
Usage: HEAVY video game use, no video/photo editing, just video games and general use.
Parts Not Required: Pretty much everything is required! Building it from the ground up.
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: newegg.com, trusted legitimate sellers
Country of Origin: United States, Texas
Parts Preferences: Intel CPU(s) Preferably quad core+ (Core i7+ unlocked); (Preferably 2 GeForce GTX 580 graphics cards) SSD if it fits into the budget, regular if it's not. 500GB+ hard drive.. or I could figure that out depending on what the case could handle. Good case that can support multiple hard drives and graphics cards it the budget is willing. 8 GB+ of RAM. Good HD screen with HD speakers 20+ inches.
Overclocking: Have no experience with this! If I can do it without screwing up then yes! (Unlocked processor)
SLI or Crossfire: Yes, if it helps! Preferably.
Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080 HD
Additional Comments: Budget is a tad flexible. Adding new info here and there! No multiple monitor or 3D crap, also!
Is this asking too much? It's just that I've never done this before so I want to be concrete solid with my decision! So I'm not sure if my post is missing anything or not.. If you need any other information, I'll be glad to supply it!