1.7v ram problem


Nov 8, 2013
Hello guys i have a problem with my memory ram. It is a kit of 2x2 DDR3 PC3 8500 OCZ 1066Mhz 1.7v RAM and im trying to use it on my system which is

Asus rampage 2 extreme
Intel Core I7 920 D0 stock with stock cooler

And my system is very unstable due to the memory ram, i have tried using it on default settings or even underclocking it to 800mhz, i have also tried to use it at 1.7v with 1.22 qpi but it is still very unstable. What can i do? Thanks!

Yep, the RAM runs at 1.7v

If i put everything to default on bios, my mobo turns the ram down by 0.2v so it runs 1.5v, but anyhow whatever i tried i cant make the system stable. I have even tried 1.7v with 1.22qpi and its still not stable, i get BSOD or random crashes from various programs.

Do you have a XMP memory profile option?

I checked the extreme tweaker on my motherboard bios and i cant find such an option, unless im looking in the wrong place. Im not very good at this..
try this

When on the BIOS main menu. Go to the Extreme Tweaker menu. Then set your AI overclock tuner to X.M.P. You should then see and option "eXtreme Memory Profile [Disabled] . On that select Profile 1.

OR AI overclock tuner to ROG memory profile and then set your R.O.G. Memory Profile to Speedy.


Ok, i will try to find that now. By the way, i set my ram voltage to 1.64v and the memory speed to 1066 and my system is now semi-stable. I was able to run prime95 for 10 minutes, in the first 2 minutes the first core (workers 1 and 2) stopped, but the other 3 continued up until i stopped them after 10 minutes. This is great considering that prime would not run at all or i would get instant bsod every time i tried to run it before! I think im in the right path. After telling you this, do you still want me to try what you suggested? Thanks again!
The best thing for you is to get your system stable on default settings before manually adjusting settings. Generally the motherboard should detect the optimal settings for your ram cpu. XMP tends to do this in my experience

I tried your suggestion, with ROG the system was less stable than my own settings. With XMP i could not find that profile1, but i just set it to xmp and then tried prime 95. the test is still running though core 2 has stopped and core 1 is only at 50% because one of its 2 workers has stopped as well.

So what exactly should i do? Set everything to default and then set it to XMP? When i set the settings to default the mobo turns the ram down to 1.5v while the ram stick says that it works at 1.7v.. the default settings are very unstable for me.

With ROG i also got this error: ILLEGAL STIMUL something like that o,O?

Just a question.. Are you overclocking your CPU?


No im not, im just trying to make it stable until i can get some money in order to buy triple channel memory ram and a cooler for overclock, for now i ll be happy just by making it as stable as possible.

PS: When i set it to XMP i see the profile but it is disabled so i cannot click it in order to change it.

That's weird. I honestly don't know what else there is to do except manually setting everything to the RAM's specification ie. Cas timings and Ram voltage. Also to make sure that the ram is running at 1066 and not above that.

Well there's your problem running dual channel memory in a tri channel motherboard, you may be able to get stable running just 1 module or that memory may not work at all.

Use 1 module and try 800mhz at 7,7,7,21 2T @ 1.50v, but you really need to get a matched set of Tri-Channel 1333mhz memory.


Hi and thanks for the reply. How do i put it to 21 - 2T?

By the way i have a friend with same motherboard and hes using dual channel without problems, even at higher freq 1600mhz.

Manual BIOS setting for the memory modules

21 is the cycle time or (TRAS)

2T is the command rate

There's a good reason OCZ stopped selling memory modules over 2 and 3/4 years ago.

Why would anyone even attempt running dual channel memory on a tri channel setup, and cut the performance they paid for the tri channel capabilities in the first place?


Well i got this memory RAM for free. It is just temporary until i have enough money for a good 3 channel kit. I spent a lot of money on my Case and i cant afford to buy ram right now. That's why i was hoping to stabilize these for now.

That's understandable, try getting one module to run stably first then try the 2nd if you want to experiment, timings that should work are the 7,7,7,21 or 8,8,8,24 at 800mhz 1.5v it shouldn't take 1.7v to run 800mhz, but you'll have to experiment to find out.

It looks like when i use just 1 dimm i can run prime 95 just fine for at least 15 minutes before i get an error on a single thread out of the 8, and that's with all the default settings. Im now trying the 1 dimm with 1.64v and 1066mhz which was my most stable setting in the dual ram setup. It is interesting how i was able to even run a game and record with a single ram, while with 2 dimms i really cant do much since i can get a blue screen anytime.

From which side to i count that? Left to right or right to left? I wanna try that out..
When on the BIOS main menu. Go to the Extreme Tweaker menu.