1 long 2 short beeps then PC boots normally!


Dec 5, 2017

I just swapped my GTX 750 which suddenly died somehow after 3 years while I was working with Photoshop with a new GTX 1050 which I tried in the PC store before purchasing and seemed to be working normally.

However when I was back home and installed it in my PC, I heard 1 long 2 short beeps (which is known for GPU card error) before seeing MSI boot screen but the PC seemed to be booting normally after that.

The strange thing is these "1 long 2 short" beeps seems to happen randomly. Sometimes they happen sometimes they don't!

But I do notice if there are no beeps I see a little 99 in the bottom right corner in the screen before MSI boot screen appears but if I hear the beeps these "99" doesn't show up before MSI screen loads and then PC normally boots up.

I tried installing only one RAM instead of two and I did a CMOS reset but the same random occurring beeps happens again.

I don't even know if I should be ignoring them, as the PC boots fine whether they happen or not!

Thanks in advance.

M/B: MSI 970 Gaming
GPU: Gigabyte Geforce GTX1050 (no 6 pin connector needed)
RAM: 8GB (2x4GB) Kingston DDR3

No updates are available for my mobo. The beeping is still random.
Maybe I should mention that sometimes even while just browsing the whole PC just freezes completely and becomes unusable until I force reboot it.

Is the mobo somehow faulty?

I believe Nvidia Driver Installer already did this automatically while installing the new drivers.
May I ask how come the drivers has anything to do with random POST errors on boot?

I remember Nvidia Driver Installer telling me that it will remove old driver so I'm pretty sure that the old driver is removed before installing the new one.