1 long and 2 short beeps and no picture on screen.


Jul 27, 2017
I have just changed my Prossesor ( Intel i5 6400), Motherboard ( Asus Z270F Strix ) and installed it in a new chase ( Sharkroon VG5-W ATX Midi Tower) (Powersupply is 650W.) (no SSD) (8Gb hyperX ram) (GRP Asus 1050 Rog Strix

When i turn the pc on it does not give a picture on my monitor, ive checked my DVI-cable and my monitor and all working. the pc allsow gives out 1 long and 2 short beeps, indicating it could be my Graphics card, so i changed to my old one (GTX 660) still the same problem. ive tried to take everything out and set it all back carefully. still no change. i im open to every soultion.