I went away for around 30 minutes the other day and got back and realised that my PC had turned off, I tried to turn it back on and it wouldn't. I opened up my PC and realised there was a small bit of smoke coming from near the RAM.
I researched into the beeping problem and I've tried everything and it doesnt work, do I need a new Video Card or Motherboard?
What is the problem?
I've taken out the video card and placed it back in.
I've taken out the RAM and placed it back in.
Help please as I want to get my computer working and I dont know which one has broken.
I researched into the beeping problem and I've tried everything and it doesnt work, do I need a new Video Card or Motherboard?
What is the problem?
I've taken out the video card and placed it back in.
I've taken out the RAM and placed it back in.
Help please as I want to get my computer working and I dont know which one has broken.