1 or 2 top exhaust fans?


Mar 9, 2014
I cant find an answer anywhere for this. Obviously it would benefit having 2 fans over 1. But is the 2nd one necessary? I have the corsair 500r and i want change the stock fans for better fans that have red LEDs. The way i want to lay it out right now is as follows...

Front: 2x Cougar dual-x Red 120mm intake
Bottom: Corsair white LED stock intake
Side: Removing 200mm fan and modding a window
Rear: stock 500r exhaust
Top: Unsure?

Im thinking of putting 2 corsair AF 120 LEDs but i could save money and just get one 140mm. Suggestions?

ok, and how should i go about covering the other fan hole? theres no dust filter there. i dont want dust to get in through the other one