1 Win 10 digital license on 2 computers

Brad Baltus

Jun 17, 2014
I cloned my old SSD to my new one, and took my old SSD and put it into a different computer. Will Windows 10 stay activated on both computers? Or will I have to buy another key for the second computerr?

If you don't mind it being rescinded in the future.If it is too cheap to be true, that's generally because it is.

I have bought over 23 keys on my kinguin account and only one had issues. All I had to do is call micro and they fixed it.

Dont say "THIS IS NOT GOOD" when you have never tried it before. Ignorance.

I have information to the contrary, I have every right, and indeed a moral obligation to warn people about buying from sites like that, from the grey market.

You'll note I didn't use the words 'THIS IS NOT GOOD' I merely stated that they can be rescinded at any time, a proper legitimate purchase will not run that risk. The fact that you can purchase a warranty against the key being pulled, is quite telling don't you think?