100% CPU usage and LOW FPS in all games + tons of pc bugs.


Jul 7, 2015
Hey guys....

SO I have been having a horrible time with my pc lately, it all happened out of the blue with no real reason why. Hoping I can find a solution soon but after months of neglect and lack of any other forums posts to help me...... here I am putting up a post.

So first lets start with the problems, ill make sure to include my specs at the end don't worry.

To start off, I have an Intel i7-4790 as my CPU, bought it about 2 years ago and it has been phenomenally fast and reliable, only until recently for no reason. Usually, when I boot up my PC I have DIscord, Steam, Malwarebytes, Wallpaper engine on the autostart because I use those frequently, but now when I boot up my pc starts to lag extremely do where my mouse pointer is freezing and glitching as I try to move it across the screen. Checking my task manager, I notice that single applications like discord and Malwarebytes take up 30% OF MY USAGE FOR EACH APPLICATION. On bootup, I'm now getting 100% usage easily and my PC was unusable because of it.

To fix this I disabled the autostart on all my applications and I easily run only a couple percentile usage on standby, problem solved right? nope.

When I try to browse the internet I still have the laggy mouse pointer that glitches occasionally across the screen, but not as bad as before. Whenever I watch videos on youtube there are occasional weird static pops in the audio, and finally, I ESSENTIALLY CANNOT PLAY ANY GAMES.

I currently have a GTX 1060 6GB which I've only had for a couple months but it has been great. With optifine on vanilla minecraft I would easily hit over 1400FPS, but now I can barely push 40 FPS when I utilize optifine to turn off all of the options available and set everything to fastest. I just don't get it, how can I get such a low FPS on such a basic game like minecraft? When I try to play GTA V my game continues to lag switch all over the place making it unplayable.

Now here is what i've tried to fix the problems.

I had other issues before with my pc, my PC would freeze when playing games and such. So I replaced the power supply which fixed that for the most part. I have 16GB of RAM, in which I took out each individual stick and tested each one to see if the RAM was to blame....and nope. I also reapplied the thermal paste and re-settled the CPU. Currently a no go.

So now i'm down to the ropes, here is what im thinking.

1. Replace the CPU
2. Replace the motherboard
I can't think of anything else that could influence this. I recently reformatted my PC, but I wouldn't rule out my windows being the issue.

Help me guys please


GTX 1060 6GB
a 500 watt gold rated power supply(i think a supernova?)
z170-e asus motherboard
1TB hardrive
two samsung evo ssds

Thanks for replying so quickly,

Yes, I have checked temps while playing games like GTA V and others and my CPU would get to around 85 degrees C when playing games. Occasionally causing my PC to freeze but not as often as before.

That's pretty hot... How long has it been since you've cleaned out your computer? (removed all the dust and hair from the fans and etc).

Also, I suggest running CPU-Z to allow others to see what exactly you have going on in your PC.

Download CPU-Z here.
After installing, go ahead and run the validate option on the bottom of the window. After that, a window should open and have all of your PC components listed out in detail. This will allow other people to know what you're working with.

Thanks for replying,

That's what im thinking too, seems hot, but ive scoured other forum posts and some say they get 90 degrees C while playing games and play just fine. I havent cleaned out my PC in probably a couple months, there is dust, but not a crazy amount.

I validated with CPU-Z and here is the link:

(I have an i7-4790 my bad)
this sounds more likely to be driver issue
go to safe mode and see if u get any of those glitches u are getting now, if u wont notice, then try to uninstall every driver u hae installed now (chipset, network and so on) also download all drivers before u actually uninstall network drivers, just in case it wont reconnect with microsoft drivers
keep all drivers uninstalled, reboot and stick with microsoft drivers for now, if there will be no glitches, try to install one driver by one (make sure u test it before u install next)

Is there a fast way to uninstall and reinstall the drivers? Ill try in safe mode to see if I have any of the glitches.

I replaced the thermal paste 3 days ago so it should be good.

Your absolutely right, I do have the z97-E, I have my case fans on 100%, what could I do to cool it down?


Win10, ill try after I test the safe mode.

Ok guys I tested safe mode and it runs so well in safe mode, if that means its a driver issue what are the steps I should take to fix those drivers as easily as possible?

Thanks alot for suggesting that.

Tried re-applying again? Maybe the application or HSF mounting were incorrect.

If you are still using the stock HSF, I consider those basically one-time use as the plastic frame deforms over time. In that case, you may have to put an aftermarket HSF like a 212+ in there assuming it fits.

Yeah Im still using the same HSF, ill order one if the drivers dont fix it, how would I go about reinstalling all my drivers easily?
click on device manager and uninstall anything non microsoft

non microsoft:


Would this be a good CPU cooler, if not what would be a good example?
well I think you have a software problem there. Im 100% sure that better cooler won't solve your problem. You either have some sort of hidden spyware/ malvare, mining for someone installed. Because of your CPU load and or GPU load. 80-90 deg celsius CPU should not be a problem. Next step you do is you run: start/ run / msconfig.exe you check all your services and startup. Most times there are apps emmbeded in /services/. Just dont spend ur money on stuff that will not make your problem go away . Post your services/startup items here. if you dont know what they are used for