Question 100% CPU Usage

Sep 9, 2019
I have HP laptop with processor AMD A6-9225 RADEON R4 and the problem is CPU usage is usually 100% almost all the time.Whenever i open up my laptop my CPU usage is around 100% and moreover whenever open up any program that program takes away all the CPU and its usage reached to 100%.
I have tried all the tricks such as updating the drivers even now none of my drivers is outdated and i have also tried to close any program that take the more CPU usage but when i tried to close that program another program starts running at high CPU usage.Even if i tried to open my task manager it also take high CPU usage at first and then slowly reducing to low usage.
Every program i run goes to high CPU suddenly and then gradually came down to the normal low usage.In idle situation when all the programs are in RAM then my CPU came down below 15% but even in the idle situations it tends to go to High usage 50% to 90% and then suddenly came down.
I am seriously pissed off by this anonymous behavior of processor.Any one can help me please.
Windows 10
If you have latest 1903 version 18362.329, there's a problem with Cortana and Bing search takeing a good portion of CPU. Disabling windows/Bing search usually helps. Need to disable it by going to registry and change this values
"BingSearchEnabled“=dword:00000000 to disable 00000001 to enable.