100% disk usage. I cant figure out how to fix it.

Mar 22, 2018

Task manager shows disk usage at 100 percent. its not just one program. Sometimes its chrome or a antivirus or a system 32 program. i think windows 10 is boasting any program to 100 percent disk space. Its not at 100 percent all the time only when i start a program. Can anyone help me figure out what is causing this? Its driving me crazy
The processes that were previously stopped might be back running.
Instead of stopping them, you could disable them, so they don't start up again.

Tap Windows + R keys
Type 'services.msc'
Double click 'Superfech' service and select 'Disable'.
Double click 'Windows Search' service and select 'Disable'.
Double click any 'Xbox...' services and select 'Disable'.

Just in case, download the free version of Malwarebytes and run a full system scan.
It stopped using the disk space. Thank you. But now it says i have multiple google chrome tabs open in task manager even though i only have one tab open and same with discord(says i have multiple open). Its taking up bunch of memory now.

Because of the sandbox nature of Chrome it runs its components as separate processes. This will protect the Chrome against malicious actions from untrusted code or malicious websites, etc...
When you open Chrome, there will be one main process, a GPU render process, then a process for every tab, extensions and plugins.
That is the reason why you may open one tab and the task manager might show eight process.

Chrome may run in the background with several process depending on its settings and extensions installed in Chrome.
Some of these settings and extensions will keep the browser awake so that they can continue to function.

It appears that Chrome is using a lot of memory but those numbers are shown in kilobytes (e.g. 4000000 kilobytes = 0.4 gigabytes)
You could disable Chrome from running in the background after closing it. It will take a little longer to open though.


Hey the disk running at 100 percent is back again. idk what is making programs use 100% disk space. Plz help me.
The processes that were previously stopped might be back running.
Instead of stopping them, you could disable them, so they don't start up again.

Tap Windows + R keys
Type 'services.msc'
Double click 'Superfech' service and select 'Disable'.
Double click 'Windows Search' service and select 'Disable'.
Double click any 'Xbox...' services and select 'Disable'.

Just in case, download the free version of Malwarebytes and run a full system scan.
Find the process consuming disk:

OPen Task Manager
Click Performance Tab
Click Open Resource Monitor
Click disk
sort by total B/sec... whatever has highest is the one taking up disk usage.

You may as well manage to delete the temporary files. To finish that, follow the steps below.
1. Press Windows + R to open the Run box and then type in temp in the box and click OK to go to Temporary files.
2. Right click all the temp files to Delete them.
For me, after a good month's search, the trick was to remove the Skype app plus fix a number of DCOM service errors.

Regarding Skype, I had the desktop Skype application installed, but some Windows update (probably the October major rollout) installed the Skype app too.

The major problem however lied in security misconfigurations of various DCOM services, introduced when the October 2018 update was installed. Mostly had to do with the RuntimeBroker DCOM service, but a couple of other services were affected too.

The documents in https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/multiple-distributedcom-errors-system-freezing-etc/3f4263ae-abdb-441c-8fce-71b70abbe349 and https://www.itexperience.net/2018/12/02/event-id-10016-fix-the-application-specific-permission-settings-do-not-grant-local-activation-permission-for-the-com-server-application-with-clsid/ give walkthroughs to solve the problem. Note that the respective processes may need to be repeated for DCOM services that are failing due to permissions.