"only thing that occupy disk usage is navigate between folders of nvme".
= = = =
More explanation needed:
What is being done during the navigation process? Include some details about that "context menu and properties".
Also I am not following what you mean by:
"but the loading of properties is infinite, don't load the entire space used" .
What space was created, how much space, and what is being put into that space?
Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.
Drives: full make and model information, capacity, how full?
Which specific slot is being used for the adapter?
Open the Disk Management window and expand so all can be seen. Take a screenshot and post the screenshot here use imgur (
= = = =
Another thought being is that the current drive configuration is not fully supported by the motherboard.
This motherboard?
Doublecheck the drive installations and connections in accordance with the User Guide/Manual's Overview of components. Starting at physically numbered Page 29 in the User Guide that I found,
Note the
Important warnings.