First of all i have a 100 dollar budget ....well mayby 130 but no more my current grahpics card is a Nvida GT 610 i know it sucks i think..i dont relly understand the diffrence bettween gt,gts,gtx its all confusing ...well basicly i need a card thats good for my price range i have seen the GTX 650 but i still dont know....can some one give me some reconmidations or insite on this by the way i play games at 1280 type res not 1680 or full 1080 p type so thats not a factor for me but i still want to be able to make games go on high or max on the new games like battle field or skyrim idk if there is a card that can do that but if there is just tell me a few or so and if you can please expaline the endings like gt,gts,gtx Ect////////// thank you a bunches!!!!!!!!! : )