100 or 120 dollar budget Grahpics card Help


Dec 26, 2012
First of all i have a 100 dollar budget ....well mayby 130 but no more my current grahpics card is a Nvida GT 610 i know it sucks i think..i dont relly understand the diffrence bettween gt,gts,gtx its all confusing ...well basicly i need a card thats good for my price range i have seen the GTX 650 but i still dont know....can some one give me some reconmidations or insite on this by the way i play games at 1280 type res not 1680 or full 1080 p type so thats not a factor for me but i still want to be able to make games go on high or max on the new games like battle field or skyrim idk if there is a card that can do that but if there is just tell me a few or so and if you can please expaline the endings like gt,gts,gtx Ect////////// thank you a bunches!!!!!!!!! : )
This is the Best and Cheap for you. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161402
Look for more 7770 in your range.

Tell your other specs too. Like CPU, PSU and Mobo.
You should be good at that resolution

And GT GTS GTX are just models names.
Best of them is GTX. You must have heard them. 😉

i highly pefer nvida thats just me but which is faster gtx 650 or 7770

ok one more thing i just saw that the gt 640 has a 2gb option for 99 dollars but the gtx 650 2gb is higer if i went with the gt 640 2gb would that beat the gtx 650 1gb and how fast is the 7770 compaied to gtx 650 THANKS
As a general statement, the amount of VRAM has no effect on performance unless you go beyond a certain resolution. For resolutions of 1920x1200 or lower 1GB of VRAM is fine. 2GB of VRAM does not matter until you play games above 1920x1200 resolution, but the graphic must be powerful enough to play games at those very high resolution.

The GT 640 could have 16GB of VRAM it does not matter, it will be beaten by a GTX 650 with 1GB of VRAM.

so i should go with the gtx 650 and is a core 2 duo E8500 3.16 ghz any good

and heres something else i notice you have a hd 5000 type i notice alot of peps has lower model numbers than some why is that??? are they faster or somthing
In general, the first number is the generation or architure, very import. The second number is a ranking within the generation, low mid high. The last one or two are small differences, like clocks speeds. So think this year's mid range card or last years high end card. A high end card that is older maybe better that new card that is on the lower end. But a high end card from a newer generation is going to be better than a high end card from a previous generation (again usually).

Look at the benchmarks and hierarchy charts.


P.S. You cpu was decent when it was new, but it getting old and obsolete. It will start holding you back and limiting your options.

ok just wondering and thanks but how long do you think i have untill its to old to do gaming like one more year or what??? and i want to go to the amd type cpus so i might try to get a 8 core type and a new mobo with ddr3 so i think i will be good untill then