Take a look at this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imetyeyTGYg&list=UUuiaoCwGPLzStSsoCWGv96A&src_vid=DmFVWulz7BE&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_167075
I found this today and I was really surprised what a 100$ pc can do
He basically bought the pc off ebay and bought a 5670
It plays most new games on low to high at a very playable FPS
What do you guys think ? Is this legit or not ?
Because , if it is , i'll make a similar build for just a bit more and rock with it 😀
I found this today and I was really surprised what a 100$ pc can do
He basically bought the pc off ebay and bought a 5670
It plays most new games on low to high at a very playable FPS
What do you guys think ? Is this legit or not ?
Because , if it is , i'll make a similar build for just a bit more and rock with it 😀