100% SSD usage at idle (Service Host:Local System)


Aug 8, 2017
Well I see that disabling superfetch doesn't affect if using an ssd. I have update all drivers, I don't know other solution, please help me. This isn't affecting neither the ram or cpu.
I have windows 10 running on a crucial 480 gb ssd and a 1tb mass storage. Ryzen 5 1600, 8gb 3200mhz

Thank you. Doing some research I found that this issue usually involves the memory ram, why isn't this the case?
I was just about to run repair install and deside to take some screenshots for the science. I first took a screenshot, then I reseted the task manager and the problem magically disappear. How do I prevent this to happend again?
First screenshot (problem running)

After reseting Task Managar, problem seems to disappear

One more doubt: I'm running windows 10 pro version 1511. Should I update to the lastest version? It sounds like a stupid question but this isn't an original win. I don't know what's the deal with windows updates. If you give me some charts I'll do the research.
Thank you again, and sorry for the long post