$1000+ Build Underpreforming and Wont Overclock


Oct 8, 2016
CPU:Intel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor
CPU Cooler:Corsair H60 54.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler
GPU: Asus GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6GB Turbo Video Card
Mobo: AsRock Z170M Pro4S
Memory: HyperX FURY Black 16GB Kit (2x8GB) 2133MHz DDR4
Storage:Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
PSU: EVGA 500W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply

I have just recently built my first pc and I'm running into a frustrating problem. My PC is running games worse than a friend who has a build from 2 years ago. More specifically in Rainbow Six Siege. I am getting an average of 60fps on the benchmark on Ultra, but my friend(with a graphics board from 2 years ago) gets around 70. At first I thought "Maybe if I overclock my processor i'll get better results." That didn't exactly work, when I changed the BCLK frequency from 100MHz to about 120MHz(which was equivalent to about 3.8GHz) in the UEFI I then tried to save the changes and boot. I saved and then went to a black screen. The PC was on and all the fans, lights, ect were working. I held the power button after waiting a few minutes and it booted fine, but the overclock settings didn't save and I was at the base clock. Additionally the turbo boost would put the CPU at 3.7GHz on base, but I still wasn't running it as well as I thought I should. Hopefully someone could help me fix the overclocking or help me figure out why my 1250$ build(Including monitor and peripherals) is more of a disappointment than No Man's Sky.
1) GTX1060 system seems to be getting about 60FPS for the same game at max settings on 1080p monitor:

2) Your CPU probably won't be damaged, but the BCLCK is affecting other things on the system, not just the CPU.

*So go back to the DEFAULT settings (I would use "XMP" for memory though).

3) The i5-6500 is rarely going to be the bottleneck anyway.

4) GTX1060 is a great card, but you did not tell us what the OTHER person has. He would need an OVERCLOCKED GTX980, or a dual-GPU card, perhaps an OC R9-390X or similar.

He may have a card like this, or maybe his settings aren't exactly maxed out and/or lower resolution.

5) You didn't specify RESOLUTION either.

6) Use Unigine Valley/Heaven, 3dMark Firesstrike and other benchmarks that are fully repeatable to test your system. Make sure the settings used are EXACTLY the same when comparing to other system scores.

It's not clear if anything is wrong with your system. You've tested apparently ONE game, and even then the FPS can vary between different maps.

*Based on the VIDEO at the top, I suspect there's nothing wrong with your system. It's a great system getting 60FPS in a really demanding game.