$1000 Gaming and Editing


May 31, 2015
I was wondering if someone could build me the best gaming and editing pc on a budget of $1000. I would like to play games like ETS 2, Arma III, Modded Minecraft, Spin Tires, BO3, iRacing, Project Cars, GTA V, Witcher 3, etc. I would also like to be able to support 3, BenQ EW2440L 60Hz 24.0" Monitor, monitors in the future. And please tell me where I can find best combination deals. Intel preferred. Thank you!!!
Personally, I would just take out the OS and save the $80. However, since you mentioned about getting a better looking case, I guess the 200R doesn't float your boat. So, with the extra cash, I suggest a Fractal Arc Midi R2.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($229.99 @ NCIX US)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($26.98 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: MSI Z97 PC MATE ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($88.75 @ OutletPC)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($48.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: OCZ ARC 100 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive...
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($229.98 @ NCIX US)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($26.98 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: MSI Z97 PC MATE ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($88.75 @ OutletPC)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($48.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: OCZ ARC 100 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($80.00 @ Newegg)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($64.99 @ Newegg)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB Superclocked ACX 2.0 Video Card ($316.99 @ NCIX US)
Case: Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case ($49.99 @ Micro Center)
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA GS 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($69.99 @ NCIX US)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 OEM (64-bit) ($87.98 @ OutletPC)
Total: $1064.64
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-06-12 04:04 EDT-0400

I don't need the O.S. included so if you could use that $80 somewhere else maybe in a better looking case or towards an i7 or something. Would be very appreciated if that is possible. Thanks
Personally, I would just take out the OS and save the $80. However, since you mentioned about getting a better looking case, I guess the 200R doesn't float your boat. So, with the extra cash, I suggest a Fractal Arc Midi R2.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($229.99 @ NCIX US)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($26.98 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: MSI Z97 PC MATE ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($88.75 @ OutletPC)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($48.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: OCZ ARC 100 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($80.00 @ Newegg)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($70.89 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB Superclocked ACX 2.0 Video Card ($316.99 @ NCIX US)
Case: Fractal Design Arc Midi R2 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA GS 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($69.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $1002.57
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-06-14 06:17 EDT-0400