$1000 Gaming PC

yohan weir

Jan 22, 2014
Here's my build
I have a 1000 budget, and I know the GPU is crap for the CPU. All I want to know is if it will bottleneck. I plan to add 2 GTX 780s once I get the money, and I need a GPU that can be a placeholder. If the 750TI should be changed to something that can perform better without bottlenecking for cheap, that would be great.
BTW I only plan to run Minecraft with the 750ti so it should be fine right?

Minecraft seriously? Lets start off with the fact that minecraft is a cpu bound game meaning you dont need a dedicated gpu to run it. So if you are going to only be running minecraft DONT get a 750ti. I think you are underestimating these gpus. A 750ti can run bf4 at 40fps on ultra settings unless you are running a higher than 1080p. If you really want 2 780s then get either a corsair rm1000 or if you want something cheaper the rosewill 1000w power supply is adequate.

Minecraft seriously? Lets start off with the fact that minecraft is a cpu bound game meaning you dont need a dedicated gpu to run it. So if you are going to only be running minecraft DONT get a 750ti. I think you are underestimating these gpus. A 750ti can run bf4 at 40fps on ultra settings unless you are running a higher than 1080p. If you really want 2 780s then get either a corsair rm1000 or if you want something cheaper the rosewill 1000w power supply is adequate.