1000000 Files


Sep 24, 2007
Hi, well is like question to compare haven't reinstalled my windows 7 machine in one year.
so after complete antivirus scan i end up just lil bit over 1 million files on drive C (windows drive)

SSD 64gb, 55gb total , 30GB used 25GB free kept in top notch condition cleaned and scanned regularly, windows work perfect,

So is 1 000 000 of files normal for windows 7 now-days????
My Win7 folder is about 90,000 files (or 9% of what you have)... My Program files both 32 and 64 combined is about 25,000 files. Thats a total of 115,000 files (12% of what you have)... There are no games on this computer. Hope this information helps you.
A clean windows install doing a full system scan will scan (I believe) ~100,000 "objects" or files, the rest is all internet cache, documents, etc.
My computer is at about 2.3M files if I do a full scan... but that includes 15 years of documents, photos, projects, music, etc. Plus my backup copy of the important parts of those.

If the question is out of fear of a virus then just be sure to run a good virus and anti-malware scan every once in a while, dont worry so much about the # of files as it will change over time with use and updates, worry more about symptoms of things going wrong, or if a scanner finds something.
ya forgot to mention no games installed on C, no my documents, just windows 7 and programs for everyday use nothing big everything was redirected to HDD

so was surprised when scanner was going and going up over 1m files
(Microsoft Security Essentials)