Hey guys, there is just too many too choose from. Looking for a good quality, single rail preferred. Running a SLI overclocked system with 7 fans including the H100.
you don't need 1000w gold or platinum power supplies unless you want absolute bragging rights.for 680 SLi and overclocks,a quality 850w is more than enough.
NZXT hale82 850w is a rebranded Seasonic unit and an excellent performer.for $110,it's a good deal- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817116016
main eye catching features are modular design,quiet fan,powerful single rail +12@70 amps,enough connectors for further upgrades.
it's a seasonic so i don't think you need a review approval :lol:
i hope i convinced you.good luck with your decision 😉