1050ti for $2


Jan 20, 2018
So my dad just bought a '1050ti' off of wish for $2. If it is a 1050ti mannnnnn did he get a freaking deal. But to me, it sounds like a scam, our idea is to turn around and sell it for massive profit. But me being me, I want to make sure I don't rip anyone off with this. I know I could probably go watch a youtube video on how to check it out, but coming from 'The Authority on Tech' I would feel alot better.

How should I go about checking this '1050ti'?
It is either a pricing error or its a scam. When you receive it, check the s/n number, model number. etc and make sure they aren't fake with a plastic cover over the real one or blacked out with a marker. It also may be flashed with a custom bios to trick gpu-z into thinking its a real 1050ti until you run a benchmark and get scores way below what is expected. If none of those apply, then its only $2 gone.
I mean I'd buy that kind of scam for $2, just the PCB with nothing on it probably costs around $2. If that is a scam, it's not a good one, because the scammer is at a loss. Now, if it works, then you got yourself a $2 1050Ti and I wouldn't sell it. I'd keep it just for when people ask - "How much did it cost?", you say "Two dollars" and see the look on their face.

It doesn't count until you have it in your hot little hands.
Alright, just came back to this thread after awhile of ignoring tomshardware (I actually forgot I even posted this) I will certainly be making a follow up post on this thread for all of you! It should be getting along here, but it's gonna be awhile. :) I still have high hopes, even if it's a fairly poor GPU maybe it could be worth more than $2. Or maybe it's just a picture like Corwin65 said ^^^^ We'll have to wait until it's in my 'Hot little hands' XD.