1050ti good build?


Feb 1, 2018
Hi so I am selling my dirtbike for about 1000 and I was thinking about purchasing myself a pc from the help of my current build (GTX 1050 Ti 4gb SSC edition overclocked | AMD FX-8350). I am thinking of buying a i5 8600k. I was just wondering if this is a good combo below. LMK if I need to change anything.


Intel BX80684I58600K 8th Gen Core i5-8600K Processor
Not really, it is a mismatch, the CPU is way more powerful than the GPU so you are wasting money. If you want to go with an GEN 8 Intel then you might want to look at either the i3-8100

or the i3-8350K

I would be buying the 8350K. Be aware that the Z370 mobos are on the pricey side.
Not really, it is a mismatch, the CPU is way more powerful than the GPU so you are wasting money. If you want to go with an GEN 8 Intel then you might want to look at either the i3-8100

or the i3-8350K

I would be buying the 8350K. Be aware that the Z370 mobos are on the pricey side.
Frankly, with current card prices, it is pretty good combo. Not ideal, but the card prices are not ideal as well. Use it for a year or two till the card prices settles down and then go for a powerful Volta card or whatever generation is available at that point of time when you change, and you should be good for a long long time as the 8600k is pretty good gaming chip for years to come.

But since I have so much money left over does it actually matter which combo I get? what i mean is isn't it better to get a i5 cpu than the i3 you told me

And also I bought the 1050 ti as of august 2017 so I got it for $170, really good price
If the intent is to upgrade the GPU later then yes, get the 8600K. My only statement was that the CPU was more powerful than the GPU and the GPU would bottleneck the CPU.


Could you help me determine if it is going to bottleneck, because I am not the expert you would think, I just know a bit of facts
A GTX 1050 Ti will be significantly weaker than an i5-8600K, there is no doubt about that. You would want at least a GTX 1060-6GB, more like a GTX 1070 to get the performance of the CPU matching the GPU. The GTX 1050 Ti will work fine, you just will end up with low CPU utilization, that's all.

If you think getting a 8100 with a 1050ti will get u max fps, it doesnt work that way.
If you get a 8400 or a 8600k along with the same 1050ti, it will give you around same kind of fps. With current card prices, its better u get a good cpu and then upgrade your cpu to the best possible later on when card prices settle down.

I updated my cart does this look better http:// does anything look bad
I have to ask how you define a bottleneck? Is it not any operation or process that causes an impedance to the material or information flow in a process? This is what they taught me when I was studying the Theory of Constraints for operational management.

With the 8600K/1050 Ti the GPU will not process pre-render information from the CPU as fast as the CPU can provide it. Does this not therefore constitute the rate determining step in the process and thus is the bottleneck operation of the process? There is nothing wrong with using this combo, it is just that an 8350K/1050 Ti will produce approx. the same performance as the 8600K/1050 Ti. You will always have a bottleneck somewhere in any system, it is just a question of how much you are willing to live with.

To use as an example of this we can look at 3DMark scores for the two scenarios to see if there is a general difference in scores. Unfortunately the 8600K and 8350K are not to be found at 3DMark but we can substitute the i7-7700K and i5-7600K respectively as they have similar performance

7600K/1050 Ti Scores: http://

7700K/1050 Ti Scores: http://

As you can see the scores are relatively the same. In my world it would be said that there are no statistically significant differences between the two distributions for either mean or variance. Sorry to everyone if I went overboard.

Yeah I looked up the 8350k vs the i7 and it wasnt far from reaching the i7 benchmarks' fps

I am going to define bottleneck.

You need to define something before that...
> Rendering.
> Impedance.
> Mean
> Variance
> And the relations between them.
You won't need a 750W for this build, even if you upgrade from the 75W 1050 Ti to something like the 250W 1080 Ti. It is actually not good to oversize a PSU, it impacts the lifespan of the PSU and the quality of the power provided will not be as good, especially when things are running in the 10% of rated power region. Try to shoot for the calculated wattage of the system to be in the 50-75% range for the Total PSU wattage.

The CX is okay but there are better PSU's out there. A 550W would do here, it is actually slightly below 50% but I am assuming there will be a GPU upgrade at some point.

Also, since this is a K-type CPU I would be upping the RAM speed to 3200 MHz. You might also want to consider downsizing to 2x4GB as most games will not use up 8GB. You can always add more later if needed.

PCPartPicker part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/pt8Vd6
Price breakdown by merchant: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/pt8Vd6/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel - Core i3-8350K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($168.99 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: CRYORIG - H7 49.0 CFM CPU Cooler ($34.89 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: MSI - Z370-A PRO ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($110.88 @ OutletPC)
Memory: Crucial - Ballistix Tactical 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2666 Memory ($199.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Western Digital - Blue 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($79.89 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB SSC GAMING ACX 3.0 Video Card (Purchased For $0.00)
Power Supply: Corsair - CXM 750W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($79.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $674.63
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-02-01 12:14 EST-0500



Rendering: The process of creating raster graphical display information for an output device (monitor)
Impedance: An obstacle or hinderance or something that slows a process
Mean: Average of a dataset
Variance: How much individual values in the dataset vary from the average
Relationship: You will have to watch this. FYI, variance is equal to the square of the standard deviation.

Would a 500w psu be of better choice?
Bottleneck...When one component limits another for sheer strength.

Now, for the definitions you have stated, which nobody understood ofcourse...
Rendering: a performance of different scales
Impedence: wrongly used in generic computing terms
MMean: again wrongly used in generic computing terms
Relationship: SD...really???

I am only overclocking the GPU with EVGA Precision XOC program so I think 650w should be good