1050ti with i7 7700k


Oct 24, 2017
Hi everyone, I have recently purchased a new computer, its showing Iam reaching 99% CPU usage while having just one game open, which isn't helping when I need a few different pages/programs open. Iam happy to upgrade at this point, just want to know my best options..

Iam currently running an i3-7100 with the MSI 1050ti 4gb.
ultimately id like a i7 7700k for future upgrade-ability, will this run better then what I currently have?
upgrading my GPU in the next 12months is on the cards for a 1080ti anyway..

with my research I have found bigger is not always better when it comes to PCs.

any help is appreciated.
if you don't have Z MB (z170 / z270) it will be kinda pointless to buy K CPU as B or H motherboards do not support overclocking.
If you are ready to spend ~350$ on the CPU upgrade, it would be more rational to buy new i5-8600K or at least i5-8400 with new Z370 MB (you can reuse the rest of the components including memory). even i5-8400 will perform about the same as non overclocked 7700K.
Cost wize, 8400 + MB = ~310-330$ and 8600K + MB = ~400-450$.
of course you can sell your i3 + MB and get some money back.
first of all, does your motherboard supports OC?
if it's H / B, then no, the best u can get is probably i7 7700 (getting a K would be a waste here)
if it's Z, then yes, u can get the i7 7700k

fps after upgrade? won't change much imo
but CPU usage? will change a lot probably, since the CPU is faster, had more threads, which in turns allow more multitasking

1080ti won't be nice if u're using it for 1080p, so unless u're opting for 1440p/144hz or 4k, u can save some cash and go to a 1070 / 1080 instead :)

there are coffelake too in case u want to switch to a newer platform, u only need a new mobo and CPU, as the RAM can be reused
if u're not looking for high fps [staying on 4k@60hz / playing on 1440p@60hz for example], Ryzen can also be a good alternative, they had more cores for multitasking and better lifespan while not perform pretty much on against coffelake par on 60hz / 75hz [u will see the difference when u use 144hz monitors or more, as intel had higher IPC which gives them an advantage here]

it's off topic but i really need some opinion here:
is that headset of yours logitech G633?
if so, do you have any sensitive cable issue with it? since any slight impact to the cable can cut my headset's power, which is really annoying if i'm on a CS:GO match...

Iam heading in the direction for wanting to play at 144hz. my mother board is a Strix B250f, would you recommend the i7 7700 if I was heading in the 4k/144hz direction. I get decent FPS atm, so iam not looking for a FPS boost as such, just want to be able to play games and have discord, youtube etc open on my other screen without running at 99% cpu with one game open. (money isn't so much of an issue, I just want smooth nice gaming)
thanks again.

it's G933 - wireless.
Sometimes (when I forget to charge) I do use it with long USB cable and it works just fine.

4k/144hz is still not available for now XD the 1080ti barely manage to hold 4k@60 fps in some heavy AAA titles, maybe volta can change that but we'll have to wait for their release and benchmarks

the i7 7700 is good enough, however, the R5 1600 might be better option for multitasking though [as they had more core, therefore the CPU usage would be lower] and more "futureproofing" thanks to the higher core count, but it's ur choice to decide whether changing the whole platform is worthwhile or not

(i'm saying this because the i7 7700 price in pcpartpicker is pretty much the same as buying a R5 1600 + it's mobo XD)

PCPartPicker part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/8ywLpb
Price breakdown by merchant: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/8ywLpb/by_merchant/
CPU: Intel - Core i7-7700 3.6GHz Quad-Core Processor ($288.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $288.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-10-24 08:45 EDT-0400

PCPartPicker part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/xcbTRG
Price breakdown by merchant: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/xcbTRG/by_merchant/
CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1600 3.2GHz 6-Core Processor ($193.88 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock - AB350 Pro4 ATX AM4 Motherboard ($73.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $267.86
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-10-24 08:46 EDT-0400

imo, it would be better to just sell that i3 and mobo for the Ryzen instead XD

mine is fine too, but when the cable got pulled / a hit, even if it's a tiny impact that's by all means shouldn't cause any trouble, the headset would just straight out die, and then restarting, as if i just replugged the cable... seems like it's a problem on my end then... thanks anyway mate XD

Thank you alot, iv only really just gotten the PC so not really looking at changing the whole platform.
impulse buy before I new what was what. now iam left trying to fix it up.. 🙁
coming from ps4 there is alot to learn, should have researched before buying pre-built.

unless u're on a real tight budget, prebuilt is a no no imho, a custom build could be better, but some choice will be limited, the best way [whilst also the hardest way, since it's all up to you XD can't blame anyone on this] is to build it urself, although it's gonna be a bit hassle, especially on installing windows, driver and such XD

my i5 2400 + 1050ti right now is more or less same as yours [although mine is had 4 real core instead, which is more preferred by apps] i can run most game smoothly with line, steam and discord... but browser? forget it, unless u had i7 / Ryzen 5 or more, the usage is gonna be pretty high, browser always takes a good chunk of resource as far as i know XD
turn it off for smoother performance, especially if u're playing a CPU-Intensive games

I see I am late, and, the "if you can't overclock, don't get the 7700K"-crowd has already spoken. I will play contrarian, and say that even if you can't overclock, the $20-$30 extra (plus cooler cost)commnaded by the "K" is worth it for 500-600 more MHz on both the base clock and turbo over the 7700 (non-K)..... Zero reason not to get that extra 500-600 MHz...!

so youre suggesting go with the i7-7700k?

iam strongly leaning towards the i5-6400, can anyone give me a reason as to why this would or wouldn't work? will it work with my current MB and GPU?

again thanks.

yes it will work, since all the 2XX series mobo supports 6/7th gen CPU out of the box whilst the 1XX series mobo also support the 6th gen, but the 7th gen support usually requires BIOS update, seeing that ur old CPU is kabylake already, i'd say either ur mobo is 2XX series / the BIOS is already updated....

but imho, not a worthy upgrade to begin with... u downgrade the generation just for those 2 extra core, while technically speaking the i3 already had hyperthreading which means it's not too far behind an i5, my suggestion is to do a leap to i7, whether it's i7 6700 / i7 7700, or even the K version if u deemed those extra ghz worth the extra price [granted though i will still say it's not worth it, since on a K:
1. u won't get stock cooler, meaning u had to spend another extra on an aftermarket one
2. the TDP is higher so it's pretty much like u get what u pay for, yes u get extra ghz, but it'll be hotter too
3. after all of that, u still can't OC it anyway, even though OC is the main reason why people would buy the K in the first place imho....

FINALLY! something I want to hear!
thank you.
ok so iam going to go with the i7-7700.
and I will be saving up for the 1080 and a different MB when the time comes.

as long as the i7 will get me through that's great.!

if you have any other suggestions let me know. thanks again.


if u're getting a different mb next time, then the i7 7700k might allows some futureproof later on :), as u can just buy a new Z mobo and then overclock the i7 😀

the i7-7700k will work fine with the b250f and 1050?

if so id be stupid not to.

it works, but the overclocking won't be supported until u change the mobo, that's all :) it'll work just as a normal i7 [slightly faster as described on the post above and slightly hotter] + u need to buy a cooler for it

thank you a lot for all the help. sorry if I've annoyed or confused you. lol