1060 3GB palit crashing, all fans full speed

Jun 5, 2018
i5 8600k
Asus z370-e
8 GB DDR4 2400 HyperX
CX 600

I've been playing games on this build for about 3 weeks with no problems, then suddenly one day display went black and the fans on the GPU went warp speed. (PC remains on, just display. Need to push the restart) I've looked for solutions and have since reseated it and changed slots, uninstalled and reinstalled drivers (seemed to make things better for about a day) and even reinstalled windows which again made things fine for a few days until the GPU went off again.

At this point I'm not sure whether it's a hardware issue as its a brand new GPU and seeing as reinstalling drivers/windows temporarily made it improve?

I've tried keeping an eye on temps and apart from spikes it doesn't hit above 80 and I rarely hear the fans go above 80%.

It's only started happening during the heatwave we're experiencing and my room is usually unnaturally hot, could this make an impact?

Edit: I mainly play two games, Verdun and Rocket League. It's never crashed on Verdun even though Verdun is a lot more graphically intensive on ultra compared to RL which I play on low settings.
download gpu-z , open sensors tab. Run it backround for little gaming session. Check afterwards what was max temperatures and upload picture of the sensors page so we can see if GPU clock or voltages had some issues.

Have you tried any overclocking with it? This can cause it.

Thanks I'll do this.

I just had a shutdown (whilst gaming) but totally unlike the rest as the GPU fans didn't speed up and the PC actually shutdown opposed to just the display. Upon turning it back on, the fans (inc case fans/cpu fan) didn't spin only the HDD/SSD were spinning and various other lights were on. I tried turning it off and on around 5 times but nothing so waited 15 minutes then it turned on after taking out the plug and it finally booted properly.


I'm starting to wonder whether it could be the PSU?
Everything seems stable in that picture, nothing fluctuates. Im wondering why it shows that its connected to 8x port? Check 2nd picture http://gpuz.techpowerup.com/18/07/09/py6.png

Bus interface there should be x16, press that question mark right on that and run the test, while running test check for bus interface does it change to x16?

download hwmonitor and run some stress test on cpu / cpu while looking voltages, send picture of voltages under load and check if those fluctuate alot. Also go to bios and check monitoring page what voltages and temperatures are you currently getting

EDIT: looking at your 2nd last post which i forgot to read that looks more like a psu issue sadly, do you have a multimeter to test the psu? Although this method dont work testing under load :/

Since posting this thread I've had quite a few sudden shutdowns all showing as event id 41 Kernal-power which after some googling I realise is power related.

I'm going to buy a new PSU next week then I'll know for sure. I can't do benchmarks atm as that even causes the system to restart and/or shutdown it seems anything I do that fluctuates the power consumption triggers a shutdown. I'll replace cables for now see if things improve.

Could a faulty PSU cause the graphics card to go full throttle and crash? I'm hoping this is all one problem and not the PSU and the GTX at the same time.


That was bios reading sorry for not clarifying. I'll reply back next week when I've got a new PSU set up.

Thanks for your help.
For anyone with the same problem all I did was take out the PSU and unplugged all the cables, gave it a thorough blow out and plugged everything back in. 12v is now positive and no more GPU problems/shutdowns.
There could be bad connection somewhere in 12v line. Still your psu could be giving up very shortly. Think about getting a new one if you see problems or voltages goin more than 11.90v or below then get new one