1060 3gb w/amd 6300 under preforming


Dec 6, 2016
System specs:
Gpu :1060 3 gb
Cpu: amd 6300
Mobo: 970 msi
Ram : 8gb ddr3
Psu: 750w

Issue :
i have been playing overwatch a lot more and i thought i would get a better graphics card to help run it better because before this i was running the game at 30~ fps on low so i decided i would buy a 1060 because my amd gigabit 270 not with the x was not doing very good so when i got it i installed all the drivers and now i only get about 40-60 still on low settings and its been like this for about a month i tried to reinstall the drivers already no luck i used ddu i am not sure what is going on i thought it would preform a lot better could it be my cpu or ram i am not really sure please help

also on a side note my computer likes to eat up my ram so i restart my pc ever day in the morning now

Hello there and thanks for asking on Tom's Hardware!

Okay, first of all I recommend downloading this software as it well assist in cleaning up junk files and programs on your PC which could potentially be slowing it down: http://www.wisecleaner.com/wise-care-365.html

Next, I would advise trying to slightly overclock your CPU. The AMD FX (Vishera) is an old socket and dead at this point so I recommend overclocking to see if you can increase FPS. Here is a guide to overclocking any AMD FX CPU: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MckeAmnDeTk

Hope this helps!
Hello there and thanks for asking on Tom's Hardware!

Okay, first of all I recommend downloading this software as it well assist in cleaning up junk files and programs on your PC which could potentially be slowing it down: http://www.wisecleaner.com/wise-care-365.html

Next, I would advise trying to slightly overclock your CPU. The AMD FX (Vishera) is an old socket and dead at this point so I recommend overclocking to see if you can increase FPS. Here is a guide to overclocking any AMD FX CPU: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MckeAmnDeTk

Hope this helps!