
Jun 19, 2016
I want to buy this graphics card -------->https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487263&cm_re=1060-_-14-487-263-_-Product

But the problem is that I have a HP2009m and a vga cable and the graphics card doesn't support that so my question is.... what adapter should I buy????????
*Also I don't want to buy something expensive not over $10*


LOL... so it does!! I assumed it was VGA only... foolish.

Absolutely yes. That's exactly what you want. It's a pure digitial signal which should look a little better, and avoids adapters/extra complexity.

No brainer. Get yourself a DVI cable. It doesn't need to be a more expensive "Dual Link" (DL) cable, just a standard one will do.

Are you sure this adapter will work with the 1060? My resolution on my hp is 2000 by 1100
Can I make another suggestion?

How much can you save by dropping to an RX 470?
Is that, plus the money you're about to spend on an adapter enough to get you a half decent 22 inch 1080P display? Or is it close enough that you can justify putting in the extra cash?

Unfortunately it looks like my ISP is having major issues as loads of websites are inaccessible to me right now (including newegg and PCPartPicker), so I can't propose specific options right now - in fact I can't even see how much you're paying for that 1060.

But it's worth looking at whether you can save enough dropping to a 470 to squeeze in a proper display.

Just to be clear, the 1060 is a better card, but the 470 is still a very capable 1080P gaming display. And given the choice between a 1060 on a nearly 10 year old 20" 900P display, or a 470 on a new 1080P display, you'd get a far, far better gaming experience on the latter.

Sorry I can't get you pricing, and if you've found a cheap 3GB 1060 then I suspect my plan won't work. But it's worth asking the question for sure.

**updated** -> and yes, Blackbird's suggested adapter will work if that's the way to decide to go.

I would buy the adapter but my budget is 216 so I can't really buy that. I try to buy the cheapest 1060 which is the evga 1060 acx 2.0 3gb version and its for 206 with tax and free shipping. I thought this would be a perfect time to upgrade from my 750ti and there is a promotion with uplay and nvidia at the moment.


Will this one work? https://www.amazon.com/gofanco-Pro-DVI-D-Active-Converter/dp/B01FL7H7HA?th=1
Its the same adapter but with no power cable.

Will a dvi-d male cable work? The monitor supports dvi-d surprisingly.

LOL... so it does!! I assumed it was VGA only... foolish.

Absolutely yes. That's exactly what you want. It's a pure digitial signal which should look a little better, and avoids adapters/extra complexity.

No brainer. Get yourself a DVI cable. It doesn't need to be a more expensive "Dual Link" (DL) cable, just a standard one will do.

So your saying buy a dvi-d dual link cable and hook it up to 1060 and to monitor and it should work fine right?
I do have a brain but am terrible with video cables am actually pretty new to it.


So any dvi-d dual link or single? Just trying to make sure. I need to buy it tomorrow,