1060 Not Running


Jan 21, 2017
I recently got my GTX 1060 OC and slapped that baby right in, I got on wondering what things would look like (going from built in graphics to that) and noticed it was running games worse than it should. It should be able to run Rust at 60fps+ on Ultra but no, barely high settings I get 30 fps. I don't understand what the problem really could be. I've tried changing power plan settings and all that but it won't stay selected to high performance

GPU - GTX 1060 OC
CPU - AMD A8-6600k
8GB of RAM

Thanks in advance!

Its a 180$ processor, thought it would be able to run a bit better than this, I guess I'll get a 8370 Black edition :/
You also have to remember that Rust isn't very well optimized and even with a beast build you'll still struggle to pull 60 fps. I would try some other games and see if it's a common theme

Oh yes, I've tried Rainbow Six, DayZ, Arma 3, and Hitman:Absolution, even if Rist isn't well optimized I should be able to run it with a 1060 SC I looked at benchmarks for it