1060vsRX580vs1070vsUsed980ti on 1080p60hz (upgradable to 144hz) (games and specs included)


Nov 8, 2016
Hi there, so my graphics card died couple of days ago and I've been trying to read reviews/see benchmarks/... But I'm still not out of it yet. I'll get more specific this time around + I think I'll wait also couple of weeks/months to see what happens but wanna make sure by that time, what I need to buy... New gpu's do look great but first 3 months, they're going to be priced alot and not to mention, risks of not working. Takes a month to get 3rd parties I think, and also takes another month to produce 2060, and by that time we're in February 2019 which is way too long for me...

- 1080p60hz tv (upgradable to 1080p 144hz 1ms, but not going further then 1080p) (also "not" interested in freesync or gsync or whatever...)
- Z170 Gaming a motherboard
- i7 6700 non k (boost:3.9-4.0GHz)
- 16 gig ram
- corsair CX750watt psu
- SSD 240 gb
- 770 gtx which died... rip...
Games I played untill my gpu died:
- Warframe
- League
- GTA 5
- BF1
- Need for speed 2015 (pc)
- Rise Of The Tomb Raider
Games I'm into:
- Shadow Of The Tomb Raider
- Battlefield V
- Ace Combat 7
- Maybe some future games like the new need for speed they are working on...
I sometimes do wait till steamdeals...
I wanna go for as long as I can. I wanna wait till 2160 comes out with its 3rd party and wait a month or so to see if prices are going down.
Price range
Only "if needed" I "could" go for a 1070 gtx but nothing more expensive then this.

Anyway, I wanna play all these games fluently on ultra settings, 50+fps at the least, if it can I'd rather have 60+fps atleast.

What do you guys recommend?

Kind regards
I think the clear choices here are the GTX1070 (or a GTX1070Ti) or the used 980Ti if you are even considering 144hz. Though right now the market should be saturated with used Pascal cards, so you might be able to pick up a GTX1080 or GTX1080Ti for reasonable prices.


Used 1080Ti prices seem to be bouncing between $450 and $525

Used 1080 going for as low as $310, but more regularly $350. Confirmed sales on Reddit.com/r/hardwareswap

I see, so it's either RX580/1060+1080p60hz OR 980ti/1070/ti/1080/ti/+1080p144hz? I'll see what I can do moneywise.
Also I live in Belgium, so purchasing international cards are kind of out of the question so, need to look locally.

I'm considering used, but, I'm not totally happy with that. Would rather get a new one as you don't know what they did to the used one. I would kinda get to the dude who sells it, and let him benchmark the card to see if it all works... Either that or benchmark pictures should stand in there somewhere with the date and all...

Thanks! Hm, they all seem to be taken at 1440p though... Asuming that indeed, BFV will run 60 fps with a 1060 at 1080p60hz, no doubt, questions now are 1) What about 1080p144hz 2) RX580vs1060vsUsed980ti?
I see... Well take BFV, could I get myself 1 of the cards and a 144hz monitor if I:
1) Lower some settings to get that 144fps for multiplayer?
2) Switch to 60hz and put everything on ultra for single player?
Do not like guessing, but like facts more. Thus let's wait what will be optimized including drivers still for the release day.

If I had/wanted to buy a new GPU today, it would surely be the 1070 ti cause I see it on top of the price/performance curve. It will surely serve your needs for BFV with the settings and limitations you mention.

The ti is already too high in price for me. Could wait for black friday or something but even then I would still go for a 1070. 1080/1070ti and surely a 1080ti, is way too much. I'm not even sure if I could wait that long. As long as it isn't too much for my cpu to bear some games, I suppose I could wait till then...

But what I now wanna find out is which card best suits a 1080p 144hz? I'm not interested in 1440p or 4K. Would rather have a 1080p144hz monitor with 1ms, then a 1440p60hz with 5ms or something. And I don't mind playing single player at 60hz to get 60 fps, and step down a few options to get 144hz when playing in multiplayer, either...